Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Drama/Puppet Therapy Circus - Sami Shanty

Part of the 2014 Art Shanty Projects, The Drama/Puppet Therapy Circus -- Sami Shanty housed an interactive theater piece. It was a group experience structured as a three ring circus that addressed the past, present and future. Audience members’ confessions, wishes for their future and gratitude lists plugged into short scripts (mad-lib style). The audience then performed the scripts with puppets, balloons and scripted tarot card readings. For our shanty, we constructed a lavvu, a structure used by the Sami people of Northern Scandinavia. The lavvu canvas was created by Chris Pesklo of Northern Lavvu. The base and pole system was designed by engineer Ben Pecholt. Deborah Yarchun created the performance piece. Saga Blane was the project's environmental design consultant. Most of the puppets used were provided by Chris Lutter of Puppet Farm Arts.

Engineer Ben Pecholt planning the base so we can assemble it like Ikea furniture.
Chris Pesklo (on the right) of Northern Lavvu consulting with us at Bedlam Theater's Community Design Center

our work in progress at Bedlam Theater's Design Center
The start of our efforts

our completed base

On the ice
Night shot

Our lavvu lit up at dusk

A shanty audience member / performer wearing a hat to match his puppet.

Our shanty interior

Puppet/Puppy stare down

Shanty Visitor: Groundhog on Groundhog Day

A line to participate in Drama/Puppet Therapy Circus - Sami Shanty

"Self Reflection Chair," "Just a Chair" - Photo from CBS's Wander Minnesota

Post snowstorm

View from the back our shanty

Some of our audience members / participants

Shanty cushions
wood-burning stove

our wood burning stove, all that was left of our shanty after we hauled it away

hauling our shanty off the ice at the end of the project

More participants

Shanty performer with a tarot card

Participants were invited to leave their wish for the future, gratitude list or confession on our shanty's wall

"I hope one day I'll become an award winning author. I would write every genre of books. I want to also become a professional soccer player (defense). I also want to sometime be a banker in New York. I also want to be a librarian."

 special thanks to:
Chris Pesklo / Northern Lavvu (historical consultant / Lavvu expert)
Puppet Master Chris Lutter for the awesome puppets
Donovan Walker, Lauren Thrift and others who have helped along the way!
Sarah Saltwick and Robert Frost, Lauren Thrift (Drama/Puppet Therapy guest facilitators)
Bedlam Theater (for the build space)
Siwek Lumber

Jake Jeppson for the ride to Savers and Walmart
Every participant
All friends who contributed confessions

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